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At Crafted Jewellery, we’re proud to hallmark in London. All of our jewellery is hallmarked in the London Assay Office and bears our maker’s mark ‘CRAFT’.

Why is this important?

Since the early 1200s, hallmarking has been a crucial aspect of the legitimacy of precious metal items in the United Kingdom. It ensures that all jewellery is described accurately and guarantees consumers and retailers are dealing with goods that are outwardly decided as genuine. UK hallmarking regulations are some of the strictest in the world, and are one of only a few countries that have compulsory statutory hallmarking
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In modern times, this complies with the 1973 Hallmarking Act that outlines the legal requirements for assaying, hallmarking and selling of precious metal items in the UK. There are three main areas in which a UK retailer selling precious metal goods must observe:

1. Ensures items that are not exempt carry a recognised hallmark
2. Ensures precious metal descriptions are accurate
3. Ensures that the mandatory Dealer’s Notice is displayed for consumers

Early beginnings

Hallmarking’s origins can be traced as far back as the early 1200s, though it wasn’t until 1300 when the first true standards of gold and silver quality were officially established. It was then a statute of Edward I decreed that no piece of silver “was to depart out of the hands of the workers’ until it had been assayed and marked with a leopard’s head” (28 Edw. 1, c.20).

In 1327, Edward III passed the responsibility of the law to the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths in London who operated out of Goldsmiths’ Hall. This is where the word ‘hallmark’ originated and why it still carries significant weight today.
Made in London
A modern, passionate family run jewellers
Jewellery isn't just a personal ornament as the definition says. It's an expression of who we are, an extension of our personality and often a statement of love.